Proposed Personas and Usability Testing extensions to

Introduction to Personas and UsabilityTest schema extensions

Schema authors: Stefan Negru and Sabin C. Buraga (Faculty of Computer Science, A. I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania).

Last updated: 8 January 2013

Modeling approach:

Our proposed extensions to are best used with the following templates:

Extending the Schema:

Articles Published:


Micodata schema applied to Personas and Usability Test Plan Templates:

To make sense how the proposed schema might be used, see the examples below:

Simple HTML:
      <h3>Type: <strong>Primary</strong></h3>
        <img src="teacher.jpg" alt="persona image" />
        <h4>Name: <span>John</span> <span>Doe</span></h4>
            <li><strong>Date of Birth:</strong> 
                <time datetime="1980-10-23">10/23/1980</time></li>
            <li><strong>Gender:</strong> <span>Male</span></li>
                <strong>Location:</strong> <span>Iasi, Romania</span></li>
            <li><strong>Work place:</strong> 
                <span >FII UAIC</span>, <span >Teacher</span></li>
            <li >
                <strong>School:</strong>  <span>FII UAIC</span></li>
            <li><strong>Technology Level:</strong><span>Advanced</span></li>
          <h5>Main Points</h5>
          <p>John is a teacher at computer scicence at UAIC and has advanced computer skills. 
          For example:</p>
            <li>John has developed such applications and has programming knowledge</li>
            <li>John dislikes applications that are not well structured;</li>
            <li>Working environment: Desktop - Mac OS, Mobile: Iphone OS;</li>           
          <p>Goals are the reasons users perform tasks, not the tasks.</p>
            <li>Practical Goals: <span>share courses</span></li>
            <li>Personal Goals: <span>organize work information and tasks</span></li>
            <li>Business Goals: <span>increase student enrollment</span></li>

With Microdata:
<article itemscope itemtype="">
      <h3>Type: <strong itemprop="personaType">Primary</strong></h3>
        <img  itemprop="image" src="teacher.jpg" alt="persona image" />
        <h4>Name: <span itemprop="givenName">John</span> <span itemprop="familyName">Doe</span></h4>
            <li><strong>Date of Birth:</strong> 
                <time itemprop="birthDate" datetime="1980-10-23">10/23/1980</time></li>
            <li><strong>Gender:</strong> <span itemprop="gender">Male</span></li>
            <li itemprop="location" itemscope itemtype="">
                <strong>Location:</strong> <span itemprop="name">Iasi, Romania</span></li>
            <li itemprop="worksFor" itemscope itemtype=""><strong>Work place:</strong> 
                <span itemprop="name">FII UAIC</span>, <span itemprop="jobTitle">Teacher</span></li>
            <li itemprop="alumniOf" itemscope itemtype="">
                <strong>School:</strong>  <span itemprop="name">FII UAIC</span></li>
            <li><strong>Technology Level:</strong><span itemprop="technicalLevel">Advanced</span></li>
          <h5>Main Points</h5>
          <p>John is a teacher at computer scicence at UAIC and has advanced computer skills. 
          For example:</p>
            <li itemprop="mainPoint">John has developed such applications and has programming knowledge</li>
            <li itemprop="mainPoint">John dislikes applications that are not well structured;</li>
            <li itemprop="mainPoint">Working environment: Desktop - Mac OS, Mobile: Iphone OS;</li>           
          <p>Goals are the reasons users perform tasks, not the tasks.</p>
            <li>Practical Goals: <span itemprop="endGoal">share courses</span></li>
            <li>Personal Goals: <span itemprop="experienceGoal">organize work information and tasks</span></li>
            <li>Business Goals: <span itemprop="businessGoal">increase student enrollment</span></li>

Acknowledgment: This work was partially supported by the European Social Fund in Romania, under the responsibility of the Managing Authority for the Sectorial Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007-2013 [grant POSDRU/107/1.5/S/78342]. - more info at